Master agreements
The purpose of this Master Agreement is to set out the general principles and market rules for foreign exchange and derivatives transactions for over the counter derivative instruments entered into between two parties one of which is a banking institution, an insurance company, a stock exchange company or one of those entities mentioned in Article L. 518-1 of the French Financial and Monetary Code or a non-resident institution with equivalent status.
A new FBF Technical Schedule enables counterparties to be compliant with the requirements of EU Benchmarks Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/1011 of 8 June 2016 on indices used as benchmarks in financial instruments and financial contracts or to measure the performance of investment funds).
The linked documents are derived, in part, on materials copyrighted by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc., whose registered trademark is ISDA®. Any reproduction or distribution of the ISDA Benchmarks Supplement – other than for the purpose of documenting a specific transaction – that is not otherwise expressly authorized in writing by the Association is prohibited. By downloading these documents you agree and represent that you will use them only for such purposes and that you will not reproduce them or distribute them for any other purpose.
FBF 2020 – Benchmarks Events Technical Schedule (English version)
194.16 Ko
FBF 2020 – Benchmarks Events Technical Schedule (Bilingual version)
260.51 Ko
FBF 2020 – Avenant Additif Technique (EN)
25.20 Ko
FBF 2020 – Avenant Clause de bridge (EN)
26.75 Ko
FBF 2020 – Bridge ISDA Benchmarks Supplement (EN)
26.78 Ko
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