Press releases

Maya Atig joins the French Banking Federation as Chief Executive Officer

Portrait Madame ATIG_FBF
Portrait Madame ATIG_FBF

The Executive Committee of the French Banking Federation (FBF) has appointed Maya Atig Chief Executive Officer. She succeeds Marie-Anne Barbat-Layani, who was appointed Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance in October. Maya Atig will take office on 30 March 2020. She will also become Chief Executive Officer of the French Banking Association (AFB) on this date.

After graduating from the Ecole nationale de la statistique et de l’administration économique in 1996 and the Ecole nationale d’administration in 2000 (Averroès cohort), Maya Atig served in the French Treasury Department until 2016. During this time, she developed her expertise in the banking, financial and insurance sectors and participated in the negotiation of a range of European laws (Solvency II, Capital Requirements of Banks, Collateral, Payment Services, etc.).

Between 2012 and 2016, she acquired operational market experience as Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Agence France Trésor, in charge of the management of government debt and liquidity.

Since 2016, she has served as Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Fédération nationale du Crédit Agricole, in charge of finances and risk for the regional banks. She has concrete knowledge of retail banking services and the internal processes of a group active in a range of sectors.

Founded in 2001, the FBF represents the 340 French and foreign banks which operate in France and employs 362,800 people. It covers all banking and financial regulatory questions at the French, European and international level, as well as all subjects relating to the bank’s role in the economy and in society.

The General Management Board of the FBF, which will be headed by Maya Atig, is comprised of Benoit de La Chapelle Bizot, Director General Delegate, who served as Chief Executive Officer in the interim; Solenne Lepage and Ermelina Debacq, Deputy Chief Executive Officers, and André-Guy Turoche, Director of Social Affairs.

On behalf of the FBF’s Executive Committee, its Chairman, Frédéric Oudéa, would like to thank Benoît de La Chapelle Bizot, interim Chief Executive Officer, for his work and investment in service of the FBF since Marie-Anne Barbat-Layani’s departure.

Maya Atig rejoint la Fédération bancaire française comme Directrice générale

FBF Press release – Nomination Maya Atig

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