Key facts and figures
Outstanding household loans stood at 1,018 billion euros at the end of December 2014, up 2.6% year-on-year. Most household loans were home loans, representing 833 billion euros (+2.3% year-on-year)(1).
At year-end 2014, 46.5% of households had at least one loan, according to the Observatory for Household Loans. 30.6% of them had a home loan and 25.6% a consumer loan.
Borrowing conditions remained favourable, with historically low interest rates. Accordingly, the average rate of lending for home purchases was 2.36% at year-end 2014 compared to 3.09% a year before(2). The average rate of new consumer loans amounted to 5.13% in December 2014(3).
Loan activity remains closely linked to demand, which is persistently weak due to the economic environment. The French admit to being very cautious with regard to their plans to apply for new loans. Only 4.2% of households plan to apply for a home loan in the first six months of 2015(4).
French banks are there to provide funding for energy transition
French banks are funding the plans of their business and individual customers in the area of energy efficiency to satisfy their expectations. The range of available loans and services is very wide, from large-scale European or international investment projects to energy efficiency renovation work in private dwellings.
Sources of data:
(1) Banque de France, Stat Info, Loans to individuals
(2) Observatory for Household Loans/CSA, January 2015
(3) Banque de France, Stat Info Loans to individuals, March 2015
(4) Observatory for Household Loans, January 2015
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