Annual reports
The FBF has been speaking for all banks operating in France for ten years now. As the issues and stakes become increasingly global, it is vital for us to speak together. We have illustrated our annual report with a few key events from the last ten years to show just how much ground we have covered.
The robustness of the French banking model has proved itself over recent months. Because this model has helped the sector withstand the crisis, the FBF is determined to make its voice heard, with proposals for the reform of the international financial system that will define banking and financial operations in the coming decade.
The subjects are often the same, and yet the overall framework has changed enormously in ten years. In retail banking, for instance, relations with retail customers have been clarified and facilitated thanks to a number of joint agreements, ambitious information programmes and, of course, the internet. Similarly, the accounting and prudential standards that determine the way in which the economy is financed and, in certain respects, the place of French banks in the global race, are still changing.
1. Reform of the international and euro pean financial system
2. Banking industry highlights
3. Banks and their customers
4. Payment instruments
5. The FBF
FBF Management report 2009
1.76 Mo
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