Annual reports
Banking is a multi-faceted activity. It is both global, yet fi rmly rooted in local communities, a fundamental service, yet also a cutting edge industry. This is refl ected in the many different things that banks do and the diversity of people they employ. We asked a few bankers to briefl y describe their job before the photographer’s lens. We would like to invite you to have a look at this gallery of portraits.
The global fi nancial system has been going through a serious crisis since August 2007. Initially triggered by the poorly managed granting of home loans to low-income households in the United States, it has spread to other asset classes, has temporarily shaken the confi dence of some investors and may put pressure on the liquidity of bank assets and profi ts across the globe. However, thanks to a strong capital base and a good balance between their business activities and markets, French banks were able to smoothly continue their main function of fi nancing domestic economic activity.
1. Banking and Europe
2. Banks and their customers
3. Payment instruments
4. Banking industry highlights
5. The FBF
Management report FBF 2007
2.08 Mo
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