Press releases

Evaluation on the access by the public to cash: confirmation of very good accessibility

The Banque de France and the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and the Recovery recently updated their report on access by the public to cash in mainland France. This update objectively confirms the excellent accessibility to cash via automated teller machine (ATM) networks and cash withdrawal points.

With nearly 99% of the mainland population living in a district equipped with at least one ATM or located less than a 15-minute drive from the nearest district with an ATM, access to cash in France is stable and very satisfactory.

The update also confirms that the geographical repartition of ATM locations is “dynamic”, with banks adjusting their ATMs according to the needs and usage of their clients: since last year, while ATMs have been closed in 49 districts, one or more ATMs have been installed in 33 districts that previously had none.

In parallel, complementary cash dispensing services, at local shops and tobacconists for example, continued to increase (25,536 private access points at end-2019, +10.1% in one year), also contributing to access in certain areas, for instance rural districts.

For Frédéric Oudéa, Chairman of the French Banking Federation: “The current mechanism for providing access to cash in France is very efficient. Banks are making their payment services available throughout the country, including cash services and card payments notably, with a sharp increase evident in contactless payments. During the health crisis, the payments activity showed good operational resilience. This excellent result can be attributed to steadfast dedication by the banks, their employees and sector professionals.”

Etat des lieux de l’accès du public aux espèces : confirmation de leur très bonne accessibilité

FBF Press release – Evaluation on the access by the public to cash – confirmation of very good accessibility

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