Press releases
Over the last 15 years, the Paris financial marketplace has developed recognized know-how and expertise in the field of green and sustainable finance. The Paris financial marketplace is keenly aware of the fundamental role of financial actors in long term financing of the economy as well as in the transition towards a less carbon-intensive economy and encourages its members to pursue and accelerate their mobilization, including:
The commitments announced today consolidate the lead taken by France to boost funding for energy and ecological transition and a further step towards raising private individuals’ awareness about climate risks. France was the first country in the world to establish ambitious regulations to boost funding for the ecological and energy transition in August 2015. In addition to this law, France has also introduced two labels: the TEEC label (energy and ecological transition for climate) and the SRI label (socially responsible investment). The TEEC label qualifies assets held via investment funds with regard to a reference framework that contains a number of selective criteria. The SRI label promotes funds invested in companies that take on-board ESG (environment, social and governance) criteria.
* AFA (Association française de l‘assurance)
AFG (Association française de la gestion financière)
AFIC (Association française des investisseurs pour la croissance)
AFII (Association française des Investisseurs Institutionnels)
FIR (Forum pour l‘investissement responsable)
ORSE (Observatoire de la Responsabilité Sociétale des entreprises)
SFAF (Société française des analystes financiers)
Press release – The Paris Green Financial Center (PGFC) stakeholders announce a new collective commitment to tackle climate change
575.73 Ko
A new collective commitment of the Paris financial marketplace to step up our action to tackle climate change – 2016
4.11 Mo
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